The guy next door is a vampire. No, I'm not talking True Blood here. Which, by the way, sucks... Hmm... I watch it hoping against hope for a signal, anything remotely as cool as the books, but till now I've found none.
Well, about this guy. Nah. He is what he is. Just taking, not giving anything. Let him burn. Which is what I should do with True Blood. No more histerics from the female characters, fake accents, "over" sex exhibitions, overextended demonstrations of vampire blood effects.... the best of Charlaine Harris stories (even though it is just entertainment or chick lit or whatever) is that she really can tell one. What you see in TV is like a bunch of things taken from the book(s), distorted and amplified to fit the model. I'm still looking for the good actress in Anna Paquin to justify the Globe Award.
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qdo vc falou em vampiro, eu pensei no Edward Cullen (Crepúsculo)!
ResponderExcluirhahahahahahha quem dera! ;D