sábado, 13 de junho de 2009

Why I travel?

Carina Perry, a 35-year-old bookkeeper from Galway, Ireland. “I’m a bit of a running-away-from-reality person.
Generally, people think I’m trying to run away from life. I have friends from traveling who are just envious, and then I have friends from home who kind of think I’m crazy. My mom is very nervous about it, but she’s happy for me to be happy doing what I really want.”
As told to Seth Kugel

Ok, so this is a very good definition for how I feel. As I can't travel all the time like the bookkeeper above, I travel through my books. I'm always in need of a reality check. Alas, reality sucks. Traveling is soooooooo much better! And reading... So much more fascinating... History, architecture... it shows a much better side of humanity, one that allows us to dream of better times, to hope that someday we will be well balanced enough to not destroy ourselves and everything around us.

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